For cancer patients, it can seem like life becomes trips to the hospital, medication, and survival...

Mindfulness for Everyone: Namaste Healing And Wellness

In the Rocky Mountains of Evergreen, Colorado, lives a retreat center which encompasses all types...

Healing & Transformation After a Breakup: Honeymoon with Yourself in Bali

Splitting up is never easy, in fact, it can be utterly debilitating. Whether it’s divorce or a...

Retreat Guru has partnered up with an organization who is changing the lives of military veterans....

Honoring Sacred Traditions at The Sentinel

Amidst the many healing and medicinal opportunities in Western Canada stands a unique place: The...

Noya Rao: Journeying with the Mystical Tree of Light - AYA Healing Retreats

In the Amazonian basin of Peru lives a type of tree called Noya Rao. And there’s only three of...

Buddhism in the modern era: Sakya Losal Choe Dzong

Meeting Buddhism in the modern era can seem a bit… confusing. Each tradition has its own...

The beauty and mystery of Lake Atitlan attracts many travelers to its volcanic shores. Indigenous...

5 Common Myths About Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca and shamanic practices have been all over our news feed lately. With big-name celebrities...

A Meeting with San Pedro

Sitting in the dark of the forest, eyes focused intently on the fire blazing in the middle of the...

The Life-Changing Dieta: Plant Medicine at Rainforest Healing Center

What is a Master Plant Dieta, anyway? As with yoga, meditation, or other forms of spiritual...

Ayahuasca is Not an Instant Cure-All: Healing Expectations at New Life Ayahuasca

It’s really only the glamorous, miraculous stories that come across our awareness these days, isn’t...

In the summer of 2017, Buddhist and yoga teacher, Michael Stone died from a drug overdose (you can...

Ayahuasca and Mental Health: What do we really know?

Across the globe, seekers have been turning to Ayahuasca with a melange of intentions: personal...

Opening a healing retreat is no small feat. For most who find themselves on this path, the work...

How to Choose a Plant Medicine Center

As more and more people attune to the powerful healing work that is possible in relationship with...

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