Navigating the Legal Landscape of Psychedelics and Plant Medicines

Imagine a world where everyone struggling with mood disorders, trauma, guilt, or grief can have...

What is Psilocybin? Your Guide to this Psychedelic Compound

People around the world use psilocybin, a psychedelic compound found in many species of...

Psilocybin Therapy May be a Breakthrough Mental Health Treatment

Psilocybin is one of the main psychedelic compounds found in psychedelic mushrooms. 

Types of Psychedelic Mushrooms: Psilocybe Cubensis & Beyond

Psychedelic mushrooms are the most diverse type of naturally-occurring psychedelic. There are many...

Mushroom Dosage: From Microdosing to Heroic Doses

When you are preparing for an experience with magic mushrooms, there are many important things to...

Psychedelic Therapy: Massive Potential for Mental Health

Research into psychedelic therapy started in the 1950s, with mainly LSD being studied.

Ayahuasca vs Mushrooms: How do they Compare and Contrast

Ayahuasca vs. mushrooms: what are the similarities and differences is between them?

The Science of Psilocybin and Psychedelic Therapy

The latest breakthrough in mental health is to be found where you may least expect. Scientific...

Magic Mushroom Retreat: The What, Why & How

Rather than actively chasing something, what if the antidote to our problems in the west was merely...

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