It seems that no matter how mindful we are in our practice - on the cushion, the yoga mat, or...

Mindful Fasting: with Emily Shaw

I have been guiding people through various liquid fasts for the last 5 years and I am still...

Reality is Getting Psychedelic: An Interview with La Familia Ayahuasca

This is the first time in history, where because of what’s been going on politically, and also on...

These days, people hear talk of ‘tantra’ and immediately jump to associate sacred sexuality, the...

Preparing the Mind for Plant Medicine

When considering how to prepare for an Ayahuasca ceremony, many people focus mainly on the physical...

Mindfulness: 5 Studies That Will Blow Your Mind

The word “mindfulness” is all over the media. It's a common prescription for just about whatever...

Top Retreat Destinations of 2021

If you have your sights set on booking a retreat to somewhere magnificent this year but don’t know...

5 reasons for you to experience retreat

You’ve heard the word countless times. Your friends have gone on retreat, you’ve even considered it...

What comes to mind when you hear the word “lazy”?

I dream of writing a book… A really good book.

Tell me a little about how you came to breathwork?

The Connection Between Sex and Spiritual Evolution

Many people on the planet view sex as a means to fun and pleasure, and there is definitely nothing...

When you study the ancient schools of wisdom, it becomes clear that many of them (Tibetan Buddhism,...

Pir Shabda Kahn is a widely known and respected spiritual teacher who connects teachings from...

We recently sat down with Adam Bucko over Skype and had an engaging dialogue about contemplation...

Think Your Mind is Too Scattered to Meditate? Try This.

There’s a culturally-accepted notion of meditation that looks something like this:

What exactly is it, really, that keeps us coming back to meditation retreats? We know that we feel...

Radical Availability

How innovative is it to be present to someone?

Now that science is showing that meditation is valuable to our sense of well being, more and more...

What is breathwork? Could you spend a moment explaining this for someone who hasn’t encountered...

Meditation is like a mental fitness session and there are lots of similarities to a physical...

Shame is uncomfortable. It’s a feeling loaded with slippery meaning and embarrassing feelings that...

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