Women's Quest: One Triathlete's Mission to Empower Women

Colleen Cannon, founder of Women's Quest, was a competitive triathlete in her “former life”. On her...

Tips on Creating a Global Retreat Business: Christina Thomas

"I reached out to Christina Thomas because I was impressed by her track record of running...

10 Fundamentals of Hosting an Amazing Retreat: Ed Zaydelman

I’m Ed Zaydelman, founder of Experience VIDA Events and the VIDA Retreat Center in Costa Rica which...

Opening a healing retreat is no small feat. For most who find themselves on this path, the work...

I have yet to meet a yoga teacher who hasn’t at one point in their career expressed keen interest...

If you are looking to become a yoga instructor, but also to make your living from teaching yoga...

Preparing Yourself to Teach a Retreat

In many ways I have created my dream career - I get to travel much of the year visiting some of the...

Do you have a policy about gender for your retreats? If you offer gender-only events, it's...

I have yet to meet a yoga teacher who hasn’t at one point in their career expressed keen interest...

Hiring Someone to Help with Your Retreat

We had an interview with Lynann Politte, who has the amazing (and unusual) title of “Yoga Manager.”...

Creating an Online Retreat

We had an awesome interview with Rachel Davey, the director of The Haven on Gabriola Island in...

There are some who might say that the world of retreats is a little… self-indulgent. We travel to...

Staffing Your Retreat Centre

We have an amazing, proactive team at Grail Springs, and I can tell you that it is not a...

How to Create an Effective Email Marketing Plan

Email marketing is an integral part of your online marketing plan, which allows you to leverage the...

Filling Your Retreats: 8 Quick Tips

1. Trust your Intuition

This applies to the whole process, but especially when it comes to putting...

As an online marketing specialist I’m often asked which are the best, and most cost effective, ways...

Regardless of the destination, most yoga retreats start the same way. Someone hatches an idea and...

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